Mark Your Calendars for These Upcoming Events:
- Sunday, October 10th: Slow Food Dinner at Nectar Join Slow Food
Cincinnati for a private dinner at Nectar in Mt. Lookout. Chef/Owner Julie Francis embodies Slow Food ideals year-round, serving local, seasonal, and organic ingredients whenever possible. Dinner will include a fall salad course with wine pairing, a main course with wine pairing, and a dessert course, all served family-style. A vegetarian option will be available. Dinner will begin at 6:30 pm. Tickets, which include three courses with beverages, tax, and gratuity, cost $55 for members or $60 for non-members, and can be purchased online here. Members, please contact Krishna to receive your discounted pricing.
- Saturday, September 25th: Slow Food Day of Service Join Slow Food
Cincinnati as we participate in this National volunteer initiative. We will head to the Anderson School Garden to help them with preparations for next year’s growing season. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sarah at sarah {at} slowfoodcincinnati {dot} org to sign up.
But Wait, There's More! Keep an eye out for more info on these other exciting events later in the year.
- Bread Baking with Blue Oven Bakery Slow Food Cincinnati will travel to Williamsburg, OH to get a lesson from the pros at Blue Oven in how to bake bread.
- Cheese Making with Blue Jacket Dairy Angel from Blue Jacket Dairy will be offering a free cheese making demo here in Cincinnati.
- Member Meeting All registered Slow Food
Cincinnati members are invited to join us for our membership meeting, which will be held in late fall, to discuss the future direction of our chapter. We will be holding a vote for next year’s board positions, so if you are interested in running for one of the open positions, please email Sarah at to have your name placed on the ballot.
Recent Events
What an exciting month we've had! Thank you to those who came to our Movie Night at UC. We hope to screen more movies in the future-- are there any you're interested in seeing?
Turner Farm and Lidia Hirsh provided the basis for a great canning class! We couldn't have asked for much more than great weather, delicious tomatoes, and a beautiful place like Turner to learn about canning. If you missed out this year, don't worry-- we hope to have another class next year.
We are enormously grateful to everyone who volunteered for, or just came out and ate the great food at Farmers' Fair last weekend. We hope you ate new foods, learned new things, and had a wonderful time at one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. Thanks to the Farmers' Fair board and sponsors for all their hard work, and to Ed Begley, Jr., Jay Denham, Berlin Reed, Josh Durr, and the Comet Bluegrass All-Stars for the entertainment
If you haven't already, please check our Facebook page for pictures from our recent events, and please feel free to add your own photos.
We'd love to hear from you. If you are interested in volunteering to help with events or if you have event ideas, please email Laura at . If you can help out in other ways, please email Sarah at . And remember, there is strength in numbers. Please bring your friends who are interested in becoming members of SlowFood Cincinnati, or who just want to learn more about why it's cool to be Slow. And don't forget to keep up to date with all the latest information on our blog.
1 comment:
Helllo mate great blog
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